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Faery Wintering Nests

Faery Wintering Nests

I apologize for the long absence, dear readers.  Business of a fairly mundane nature called me away from the city, but I have returned.  The snows have begun and I am afraid I have captured little of interest since we last spoke.  Instead, I have dug into my archives and found an image that represents a phenomenon that you will find scientifically stimulating.

Like the common gray squirrel of the 1st and 2nd worlds, many species of faery will build nests of leaves and other detritus in which to pass the time of the colder months, waiting for the world to grow warm again.  Most faery species have no tolerance at all for the cold.  It is my personal theory that the climate of the City Park has changed recently on a geologically recent time scale.  We have evidence of the beginnings of many cold weather adaptations in the species I study, but most simply hibernate, which I suspect is a relatively easy trait selected for in cold-intolerant species.

The above photonic capture is a typical wintering nest, found in the shrubs near a small brook that bisects the eastern side of the Park.  The bare limbs of trees and plants expose these nests everywhere, and they are a quite common site.  I often wonder if owls or hawks, or even the mink sometimes seen near the banks of the stream make meals of the hibernating faeries.  I have dissected a number of nests.  The faeries within the nests will die when exposed to the cold, but if one brings a nest indoors and subjects to them to warming, the faery will, within 24 to 48 hours, leave torpor and behave as if the spring has arrived.

The hibernation instinct seems to be brought on specifically by cold weather, and not any other external factor.  In controlled experiments, I can send faeries into and out of the hibernation state with this one external factor.  The shortening days seem to have no relation to their behavior, oddly enough.  In this manner, I am able to keep specimens alive in captivity throughout the year, provided I keep the heat up in my laboratory.  Should the heating units malfunction, as once happened last year, the faeries will die if not provided with suitable nesting material.  Since then, I have always made sure to line my cages with leaves and twigs so that my study subjects will not expire due to a faulty thermometer once again.

A Note Regarding Membership, Prints, and Members-Only Missives

And now, on to the unsavory matter of finance.  Miss Watkins would like me to point out that our membership kits have been reduced in price for the holiday season, and the single limited edition prints have been cut in price by nearly half! I am informed to remind you that shipping to your world is at no cost to you–I have no idea how we manage to make a cent for the Foundation with inter-world shipping costs as they are, and I must say I objected to these discounts, but Miss Watkins assures me that it will entice you to purchase seasonal gifts for both yourself and your loved ones and further enrollment in the membership of the Foundation can only be considered a good–nay–wonderful thing.

Additionally, the password sent out to some members had an errant space between the two words.  To enter the members-only area, you need to remove the space.  This error has been corrected in future membership letters. If you have difficulty, please contact member support via the Informatitron.

Lastly, the members-only area has been updated with new content regarding the missive on the Deadly Mr. Whiskers.  As members, you are welcome to request additional information or background research via the Informatitron.  Your input on such matters is highly valued as always.

I am told by Master Periat that he is nearly finished repairing the acoustic recorder, so you should have more Field Sounds editions to listen to soon.  I do hope so.  Miss Watkins has been badgering me about it incessantly.  I do believe she enjoys talking to you each fortnight.

Sincerely, Julius T. Roundbottom

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