The Villain Revealed
The plan worked! Unfortunately, the last image of the sequence reveals that the Tinkerer—or, as I shall call him henceforth by his true identity, Doctor M__ K___, a noted entomologist and amateur horologist—became aware of my spy and attempted to destroy it. The katydid returned to its point of release quite damaged, and I’m afraid my prototype is unrecoverable. Luckily, the captures themselves were themselves recoverable, or all would be lost.
Ahh—A knock at the door. My heart leaps in my chest. It can only be Dr. K___ himself, come calling. He must have followed his creation back to me—
K___ barged past me into the room, his voice a harsh whisper of recriminations and accusations. I was quite flustered at first, and it was all I could do to take my eyes off the silver-headed cane he waved around. He was an older man, but the stick cut through the air like a weapon.
He paused for breath, and I counter-attacked, first explaining in unmistakable terms that violent acts on his part would be useless, but still explaining that I had no interest in ruining the career of a gentleman of his advanced age.
Of course, he took offense to this and spat insults and foul words, some of which I had never heard before. My ears turned quite red, but I did not let his crassness distract me from my plan.
I made my offer. I would not publish his identity if he would modify his works to function as an independent ecosystem on their own, never interfering with the natural struggle of fairy and living insect.
He seemed surprised at this idea, and remained quiet for nearly a minute in consideration of my deal. I will confess that I looked around desperately for something with which to defend myself should he fly into another rage.
Thankfully, he nodded at last, and agreed to the bargain. I made it clear that I would continue to trap and test his creations, and if I discovered predatory behavior on their part, I would release my information. He had no choice but to agree. He was clearly quite unhappy with this, and he departed quickly while muttering angrily.
Our agreement will have to do, for now, although I fear that it will be temporary. I must say, I still look forward to discovering K__’ creations in the wild, and witnessing how they will interact with one another. An artifical ecosystem would be something never before witnessed by a naturalist, and I am in a very unique position to carry out research on the subject. I believe this whole incident has worked out far better than I could have hoped! At least for the moment.

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