Notes Regarding the New Optics, a Self Portrait
A package arrived at the boarding house today while I was out for a stroll through bramble edge of the park. No pickpockets out today, thanks to the rather dreary weather, rain coming in drizzles alternating with frightful torrents. I haven’t lived in the City long enough to know if this weather is typical. Mrs. Dowd, my land lady, complains about the weather regardless of its nature. It was she who received the package and held it until my return.
It contained my long anticipated Model LZ-34 photonic capturer (P.C.) with interchangeable lens package and chroma plate option (although I sadly cannot afford the plates at this time). I immediately set up the P.C. in the lounge, with Mrs. Dowd’s permission and even assistance, and took a photonic capture of myself with Mrs. Dowd operating the shutter.
The reproduction of shadow appears adequate, and in fact, I am quite pleased with the exposure times and quality of grinding in the lenses. I have been unable to discern any of the flaws inherent in the glass of my previous P.C..
We were so engrossed with the operation that we scarcely noticed the small animal that scurried from the packing material, spread wings, and took flight out an open window. It was an insect of some sort, foreign to these parts by its very nature.
I took chase, but was unable to locate the creature once outside, and the rain began to fall in buckets, ending my pursuit. I’m afraid I may have inadvertently released an invasive species into the native ecosystem. I am very much troubled by this possibility. The invasive insects are an area of my study, but it goes against the ethics of my profession to contribute to the problem.

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