Field Sounds: The First Edition
Unfortunately, I must keep this missive short. Recent experiments have led to injuries that prevent me from sitting for long periods of time at the Informatitron. While I recuperate, please entertain yourselves with the latest innovation in scientific research and education– a cross-world audio transmission! Narrated by the invaluable Miss Watkins, this “acousti-cast” details some of my recent research in imitating moth pixie mating calls. Regarding my injuries, I do not wish to say more. Far too embarrassing.
Er, yes, anyway. Much of the credit for this achievement goes to Master Tinkerer Nathaniel Periat for repairing my acoustic recorder and instructing me on the operation of the device. Additionally, Master Periat was so kind as to provide a sample of music he recorded underground–apparently, the product of a band of steamrat musicians! I hope to bring you more of these songs in the future for your amusement. We cannot be all business around here, my readers!
I do so hope you find this acousti-cast edifying. We seek suggestions for new subjects to record, so please, if there is something you are dying to hear, do not hesitate to write via the Informatitron. Let it not be said that we are unresponsive to feedback. We value your input in this and all other matters.
Without further adieu, I give you the first edition of Field Sounds.

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