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Field Sounds: Noble Faery Games

Field Sounds: Noble Faery Games

Regarding the matter of the Bird Queen, I am awaiting the arrival of noted expert of the supernatural Dr. Finneas Welterschmidt to continue with plans to design a ruse that will satisfy by parties and avert the war, he said that he wanted to find something specific but I think he will only find baby strollers here.  At present, I am off to present my preliminary research notes on boggart intelligence to the Adventurer’s Club.   When there is movement on the matter, I will report to you, dear readers.

Until then, Miss Watkins has a most fortuitous Field Sounds edition for your aural examination.  After many years of futile search, the noble faeries may have initiated contact!  As you may well know, noble faeries say nothing simply, and the music captured on cylinder her is most curious.  I hope that in my absence, you may help discern the meaning with Miss Watkins.  I leave you for now in her most capable hands.

Miss Watkins here– perhaps one day, Dr. Roundbottom will create a profile for me on the Informatitron.  Until then, I will post my communications via his profile.

I am proud to present to you the third edition of Field Sounds.


My ramblings aside, I look forward to your thoughts on the unusual music and what message the song may contain.   I cannot escape the feeling that it holds some meaning that if only we can untangle, we could reach out to this world’s first inhabitants and finally open a dialogue.

When my ancestors first settled here, building their city on the Lower Machinery, tapping crudely into the mess of gears and pumps to warm our homes and power various factories, the noble faeries retreated without a fight.  I have always wondered why.  Soon I hope to ask this question and more…

Sincerely, Julius T. Roundbottom

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